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Co-Occurring Trainings

Co-occurring Disorders Training Webinars

Best practice treatment for co-occurring disorders is integrated. Ideally treatment for both disorders is provided by the same clinician (or team), at the same time. Integrated treatment involves stage-wise treatment, which focuses on the person’s readiness to make any needed changes.

Training Webinars

We have a wide variety of training topics which take place for various lengths of time and throughout the year. To learn more, click the title of the training.

Co-occurring Disorder (COD) Treatment Intensive Training
These sessions each cover a wide range of philosophies, knowledge, and skills for COD treatment. These are excellent opportunities for new COD practitioners or for those needing a refresher. CEU credits available: 2 per session.

Advanced Skills Community of Practice for COD
These sessions are focused on active practice. Camera and audio participation is necessary for CEU credit. Sign up for as many sessions as you choose. CEU credits available: 1 per session

COD Basics Series
These opportunities will be helpful for residential staff, case managers, support professionals, and other non-clinical staff. Continuing education credits are not offered for these sessions. Sign up for as many sessions as you choose.


Access the EBPC Learning Management System (LMS) to register for upcoming sessions.

Register for Co-Occurring Trainings

CEU Information

The Evidence-Based Practice Center (EBPC) of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry is authorized as a sponsor of Continuing Education Units. The EBPC maintains responsibility for this program. Please pay attention to the following distinctions regarding CEUs found at the end of each title.

BHA sponsors this training free of charge to eligible Maryland-based provider staff through the University of Maryland School of Medicine Training and Evidence-Based Practice Centers. We are committed to making these trainings accessible to all eligible providers. If you represent an eligible provider agency and would like to discuss accommodations for your staff including requesting training at or closer to your facility, please email us at and provide your agency name, address, and the email address for a contact person.